School of Economics

Students of this specialty will be trained as professionals with a relatively wide range of knowledge. They will have considerably solid theoretical basics of Marxist economics and be familiar with contemporary western economic theories. They will be able to use modern economic analysis methods quite proficiently and to extend their capacity into areas related to economics. They will be competent to work in economic administrative departments or as economic analysts in policy research organizations. They will also be competent to work as researchers in economic institutes or teachers in schools and colleges. And as far as possible, some back-up talents with higher theoretical level will be trained in this specialty.
Main Courses
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Money and Banking, Public Finance, Accounting, Statistics, International Trade, International Finance, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, Information Economics, History of Foreign Economic Thought, Schools of Contemporary Western Economics, Development Economics, Industrial Economics, Business Economics, Regional Economics, etc.
Degree Awarded
Bachelor of Economics
Graduates in this specialty can work in economic administrative departments, policy research institutes, financial institutions, consulting firms, enterprises and public institutions and other research and educational organizations. Since its recognition as a ��national building point of characteristic specialties��in 2008, the specialty of economics has shown more and more prominent characteristics of circulation in teaching and research, so its graduates enjoy comparative advantages in theoretical researches and practical operations in the field of circulation.
International Economy and Trade
Students of this specialty will be trained as high-level professionals capable of innovation and good international communications. They will learn systematically the fundamental principles of modern economics and the basic theory and expertise of international economy and trade. They will have a good knowledge of the prevailing international trade practices, regulations and operating procedures. They will have the ability to analyse and solve actual economic problems with modern technical means and analytical methods. They will be familiar with international marketing management and business procedures, and capable of researches, analyses and planning at both international and domestic markets.
Main Courses
International Trade, International Trade Practices, International Settlement, International Trade Simulation, World Economy, International Technology Trade, International Economic Cooperation, International Business, International Business Negotiations, International Marketing, Customs Practices, International Business English Correspondence, Foreign Trade Documentation, Electronic Commerce, International Cargo Transportation and Insurance, China's Foreign Trade, International Business Law, Economic Law, Money and Banking, International Finance, Public Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Econometrics, Commodity Inspection, International Taxation, Financial Risk Management, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, etc.
Degree Awarded
Bachelor of Economics
E mployment
Graduates can work as operators, researchers and planners in departments related to foreign economy and trade, overseas-funded and joint-venture enterprises,foreign trade companies, foreign accounting firms, foreign banks, securities companies and other enter prises and public institutions. They can also work in government departments, research institutions, schools and colleges as administrators, researchers and teachers.
Students of the specialty of finance will be trained as applied talents competent to work in areas of banking, securities, investment, insurance and related enterprises, versatile talents competentto work in government departments and other economic administrative departments and theoretical type of talents to continue their studies.
Main Courses
Commercial Bank Operation, Financial Engineering, Insurance, Investment, Financial Market, Financial Management, Financial Economics, Rural Finance, Central Banking, Financial Mathematics, Financial Risk Management, Banking Business Simulation, Financial Time Series Model, International Banking, Financial Marketing, Internet Finance, Financial Accounting, Seminar on Financial Reform, Financial Database and Statistical Software Application, Investment Banking, etc.
Degree Awarded
Bachelor of Economics
Graduates can work in commercial banks, domesticbranches of foreign banks, securities companies, trust and investment companies, investment consulting firms, insurance companies, and other types of financial institutions on financial business development, marketing, operation and management. They can work in the central bank, financial regulatory authorities and other economic administrative departments of the government on macroscopic financial administrations. They can also work in the management of enterprises and public institutions.
Finance �� Securities and Futures ��
Students of this specialty will be trained as applied professionals in investment and management with solid theoretical basics of economics and finance. They will be provided with modern investment theories and skills, innovative spirit and necessary abilities for analyses, researches and practices.
Students of this specialty are required to have a solid and systematical knowledge of economics, finance, investment, etc., to master the basics of financial accounting, statistics, law, etc., to be familiar with the stock market, the futures market, as well as the laws governing the operation of securities companies, futures companies and commercial banks. They are required to develop strong market survey and R & D capabilities. For theory and practice of domestic and foreign securities and futures, they should be aware of the latest achievement and development trend. They are also required to operate proficiently the commonly used analysis systems for securities and futures.
Main Courses
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Law, International Trade, Accounting, Statistics, Public Finance, Money and Banking, International Finance, Econometrics, Financial Risk Management, Commercial Bank Operation, Corporate Finance, Futures Research and Analysis, Management of Securities Investment Funds,Investment Banking Practice, Securities Trading, Futures Company Operation Practice and Futures Law and Regulations, Credit Assessment, Financial Economics, Financial Marketing, Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, etc.
Degree Awarded
Bachelor of Economics
Graduates in this specialty will be capable of practical operations, researches and management in securities, futures and fund management companies and related fields. They can work on actual operations in public companies and other industrial and commercial enterprises. They can also work in banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions on fund sales,credit investigations, investment banking, financial derivatives trading, etc.



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